Error Calculation

Error in

We will calculate the error of considering Snell's formula because we used it in Table - II for calculating for different light colors. take log both sides and differentiate

Since is given as a known quantity, we can take its error , so the final expression becomes

is the difference between two readings so that we can get two errors from two different readings, so

Find the error in the refractive index for only red color, i.e .

NB Remember that for error in , you also need to calculate and , so if you are not running out of time and think that you can do all the calculation then find the error for them, if not then skip this part for the time being.

Error in

Since is the intercept of graph, the error of can be taken as the smallest division in y-axis.

Error in


is the no of data points.

Error in

As per 2023-24 sem - I, error in is not necessary.